Saturday, February 1, 2014


Let me just say that I am absolutely loving this natural hair movement!!!  Sisters we are finally embracing our natural beauty.  Our people are so beautiful and it warms my heart to see this happen.  For years I wanted to go natural and did not know how.  I had perm in my hair since I was 10yrs old and we didn't have youtube and all to guide us.  Well one year I went through a very bad heart break.  I then realized that I lost myself in the process and had to learn to love me again.  So I decided to research natural haircare because that's what I love.  I started transitioning January 2012.  Not only did I transition, but I also started to change what I ate, I prayed alot, I took care of my skin, I started doing exercises (I fell off but I will get back lol), drinking tons of water, educating myself everyday, etc.  This journey was more than just hair, it was more spiritual for me.  It helped me get through tough depressing times, it helped me love myself again.  It is such an amazing experience for me.  What does your hair journey mean to you?  What were your experiences?  Leave a question or comment in the box below and thank you for visiting!!