Monday, February 10, 2014


Protective styling is any style that protects your hair from physical, environmental, and chemical damage.  Using this styling method can minimize damage being done to your hair and you can actually retain length.  Protective styling saves you from overmanipulation, or if you have a busy schedule and just need to get up and go, or if you live in harsh weather conditions, etc.  Down below I have a couple a videos that shows you how to do protective styles.  Enjoy and thanks for visiting:)

                                                                Goddess Braid

Roll & Pin Protective Hairstyle

Twisted Updos & Pompadours

Havana Twist Tutorial

Thursday, February 6, 2014


Apple cider vinegar rinses are one of the most beneficial ways to improve hair health!!  It removes product build up, restores the pH balance in your scalp, promotes blood circulation in your scalp (which stimulates hair growth), and gives the hair a nice sheen.  Apple cider vinegar rinse lays down the cuticle to protect your hair shaft, and because of this it imparts a smoother surface which reflects more light and makes hair shinier.  The acid and enzymes in apple cider vinegar kills the bacteria that causes dandruff, itchy scalp, and hair loss.  Bacteria clogs hair follicles allowing crust to form.  A healthy scalp is a happy scalp and an acv rinse will definitely make your scalp happy:)  I have an instructional video for you that shows you how to properly apply an acv rinse to your hair.  If you have any questions or comments leave it in the box down below and thank you for visiting!!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Aloe vera is such a multi-beneficial plant.  It consist of 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids and 200 active enzymes.  This plant is great for hair, skin, and health!!  The great thing about aloe vera is that you can use it internally and externally!!  Aloe vera is useful in treating skin ailments such as eczema, psoriasis, blisters, insect bites, and so on.  It's great for hair health because it stimulates the production of new hair, and it tames excessive frizz.  Aloe vera also is pH balancing, has anti-fungal properties, and helps hair retain water and moisture.  When taken internally it aids in digestion by detoxifying the body, alleviates acidity, helps with inflammation, and intestinal ulcers.  This plant is such an amazing plant.  You can buy the leaf at your local supermarket, and it won't even break your pockets!!  Here is a aloe vera leave in recipe from BGLH'S website.  Just tap on that link and it will take you right to it!!  There is a video down below on how to extract the gel.

Here is another video on how to make a gel, leave in conditoner, and spray!!  Enjoy!!

Monday, February 3, 2014


How do you think Native Americans had that long, strong hair?  The answer is pumpkin seeds!!  Pumpkin seeds was a part of their traditional diet, that's why their hair was so long and strong.  Pumpkin seeds are an excellent source of zinc, sulfur, vitamin A, C, E, K, protein, iron, and a couple other vitamins and minerals.  Sulfur is a mineral part of amino acids that protein synthesis depends on, vitamin C is needed by your body to produce sebum.  Sebum is the oily substance secreted by your hair follicles, it's our natural conditioner.  Pumpkin seeds also contain biotin, so it's good for skin and hair.  The high zinc content helps ward off acne and other skin problems.  I purchase organic austrian pumpkin seeds from whole foods.  So next time you get a chance pick yourself up some organic pumpkin seeds.  It aids in strong and healthy hair growth:)  Do you eat pumpkin seeds?  Are you going to include them in your diet?  Leave a comment in the box below and thanks for visiting:)

Saturday, February 1, 2014


Let me just say that I am absolutely loving this natural hair movement!!!  Sisters we are finally embracing our natural beauty.  Our people are so beautiful and it warms my heart to see this happen.  For years I wanted to go natural and did not know how.  I had perm in my hair since I was 10yrs old and we didn't have youtube and all to guide us.  Well one year I went through a very bad heart break.  I then realized that I lost myself in the process and had to learn to love me again.  So I decided to research natural haircare because that's what I love.  I started transitioning January 2012.  Not only did I transition, but I also started to change what I ate, I prayed alot, I took care of my skin, I started doing exercises (I fell off but I will get back lol), drinking tons of water, educating myself everyday, etc.  This journey was more than just hair, it was more spiritual for me.  It helped me get through tough depressing times, it helped me love myself again.  It is such an amazing experience for me.  What does your hair journey mean to you?  What were your experiences?  Leave a question or comment in the box below and thank you for visiting!!